Donation confirmation
2022Help Argentina Social Leadership Awards
2021Calvez Award for Citizen Responsibility
2019DAIA Award for inclusion
2019People's Heroes Recognition
2019Special mention
2019National Union Testimony
2019Honorable Mention Senator Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
2019Declaration of sporting and social interest
2019Mention for participation. «Rugby Spartans for inclusion»
201910-year anniversary of its creation
2018Awards 2018, in the Peace and Social Justice category
2018Distinguished visitors to the city of Rosario
2018Meaning of Life Award
2017Outstanding contribution to the social reintegration of people deprived of their liberty through the values of rugby
2017Sport beyond borders
2017Bsc Penitentiary Service
2016BSC Penitentiary Service
2016Flagship Finalists Argentina